17 Feb 6 Comments timbearden Puppy

If you searched for, what does a 7 week old Golden Retriever look like? Then you came to the right place. You can skip to the bottom and find photos of a litter we had a few years back. They were 7 weeks old when taken. You might be wondering what to expect in terms of their appearance and development. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what a 7 week old Golden Retriever looks like, and what you can expect from them at this age.

What Does a 7 Week Old Golden Retriever Look Like?

At 7 weeks old, a golden retriever puppy will typically weigh between 9 and 12 pounds, and stand around 10-12 inches tall at the shoulder. They will have a thick, fluffy coat that is usually light to medium golden in color. Their eyes will be fully open and bright, and they will have a cute, button noses. They will also have tiny, razor-sharp teeth, and maybe starting to show interest in chewing on things.

One thing to keep in mind is that every puppy is different, so your 7 week old golden retriever may not fit this description exactly. They may be slightly smaller or larger, and their coat may be a slightly different shade of gold. However, if you have any concerns about your puppy’s appearance or health, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian.


At 7 weeks old, a golden retriever puppy is still in the early stages of development. They will be starting to become more active and curious, and maybe starting to explore their environment more. They will also be developing their social skills, and may start to show signs of bonding with their human family members.

It’s important to provide plenty of opportunities for your puppy to socialize and explore their environment at this age. This can help them to develop into a well-adjusted and confident adult dog. However, it’s also important to provide plenty of supervision, as puppies at this age are still very vulnerable and can get into trouble easily.


While a 7 week old golden retriever may be too young for formal training, it’s never too early to start teaching them good habits and behaviors. You can start by introducing them to basic commands like “sit” and “come,” and using positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise to encourage good behavior.

It’s also important to start setting boundaries and rules for your puppy at this age. This can include things like not allowing them to chew on furniture or jump up on people. By establishing these rules early on, you can help your puppy to understand what behaviors are expected of them as they grow and develop.


At 7 weeks old, a golden retriever puppy should be in good health overall. However, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of illness or injury, as puppies at this age can be prone to certain health problems.

One common health issue in golden retriever puppies is hip dysplasia, which is a genetic condition that can cause joint problems later in life. While there is no cure for hip dysplasia, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of your puppy developing this condition. This can include feeding them a healthy diet, providing regular exercise, but not too much, and avoiding activities that put excessive strain on their joints.

Another important aspect of your puppy’s health is their vaccinations. At 7 weeks old, your puppy will likely have already received their first round of vaccinations, which can help protect them against a variety of diseases. However, it’s important to follow your veterinarian’s advice regarding vaccination schedules and boosters to ensure that your puppy is fully protected.


A 7 week old golden retriever is a delightful addition to any household, with their fluffy coats and playful personalities. By understanding what to expect in terms of their appearance, development, training, and healthcare needs, you can help your puppy to grow into a well-adjusted and happy adult dog that brings joy to your life for years to come.

7 Week Golden Retriever Puppies From A Litter in The Past

Puppies a growing everyday. 6 week update. Below are this week’s milestones.

This Litter’s Week 7 Milestones

Our puppy parents this week did have a chance to pick their puppies. The puppies have grown a good amount this week even after their visits. I expect this coming week to be very similar. We are working on some potty training this week. We are trying to take them out each time they wake up as well as after eating. Hopefully, that will improve even more this week. Luckily we got a break in the rain this week. So it isn’t all that muddy outside. All the puppies love running around in the backyard now. They’d rather be outside than inside.

We tried a different group photo. It didn’t turn out as we had expected. We had a bunch of things that we built to go into the photo, but it didn’t turn out the way we wanted. So we axed it last second. So below is our result after that change. We hope you enjoy it. Puppy weights are also below.

7 Weeks 2 Days Old

Weekly Photos


Atinna (Orange)
8 lbs 12 oz

Alana (Pink)
8 lbs

Adella (Yellow)
9 lbs 2 oz Our biggest pup.

Aquata (Blue)
8 lbs 8 oz

Arista (Red)
8 lbs 14 oz

Andrina (Violet)
7 lbs 8 oz Tied for smallest puppy this week.

Ariel (Green)
7 lbs 8 oz Tied for smallest puppy.


Eric (Silver)
8 lbs 10 oz

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6 Week Old Puppies